FERPA指的是家庭教育权 & Privacy Act of 1974. 这是一部联邦法律,旨在保护教育记录的隐私,建立 right of students 检查和审查其教育记录, 并通过非正式和正式听证会为纠正不准确和误导性数据提供指导. In essence, college students must be permitted to inspect their own educational records; and school officials may not disclose personally identifiable information about students nor permit inspection of their records without their written permission, 除非该行为属于该法所允许的某些例外情况.

There is some FERPA下可以发布的信息:目录信息, 学生书面同意发布的信息, 具有合法教育利益的学校官员需要的信息, 以及某些政府机构需要的信息.

All faculty and staff are required 在被允许访问任何菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的学生信息系统(如Banner)之前,完成FERPA培训, OrediggerWeb, Blackboard, and Nolij). 如果您需要访问任何这些系统,请填写 Account Request Form 并交回注册服务处.

要完成您的FERPA培训,请联系Cathy Isakson,电话:4060496-4380或 cisakson@xsgw.net.